Samstag, 6. Februar 2021

Luís Filipe Gomes, Portugal


2 Kommentare:

  1. Bitte ich Sie, freundlich genug zu sein, um meinen Namen zu korrigieren: Luís Filipe Gomes aus Portugal. Dankeschön!
    Das Gedicht von Jorge de Sena war ebenfalls sehr wichtig und befand sich in der Schachtel mit dem Azulejo.

    Please I ask you to be kind enough to correct my name: Luís Filipe Gomes from Portugal. Thank you!
    The poem of Jorge de Sena was also very important and was inside the box with the azulejo.

  2. Thank you for your great Mail art! The poem can certainly be found on the exhibition. Maybe later here also online, if our capacities allow it.
